Slide Reel No. 4 - 1976 to 1979

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Patient crabs, patient cats...

This was Kitty, right Gerry?




I found this choice snippet from the diary I was keeping in 1977.

November 14:







We have so much good fortune to be thankful for.








Beauty came to St. Andrews Street ...


...and the beast







Stewart - photogenic bugger, isn't he?  I'm very thankful to have several of 'im.

What happened to Gerry though?  Haven't found my pictures of you yet.



Here are some...



There he is,


larger than life





Yes Luc, that was a John Denver T-shirt.
I'll explain later. It's not what it seems.







Maybe we should've joined the circus.






Sean, Long Beach









These pictures are some of my memories  

They are still and quiet  

But the spark of life in a soul can live on in another

And love remains







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© 2005 Eric Porcher                    



Page created: January 2003
Updated: June 07, 2005