       at  The Commanding Sea



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On to more darkness...






I Grieve


Hang in there to the end...

So, so richly conveyed,


so painful, and...


"Life carries on..."        yes,



"...let it out and move on
missing what’s gone
they say life carries on
they say life carries on and on and on 

life carries on
in the people i meet
in everyone that's out on the street
in all the dogs and cats
in the flies and rats
in the rot and the rust
in the ashes and the dust
life carries on and on and on and on
life carries on and on and on 

its just the car that we ride in
the home we reside in
the face that we hide in
the way we are tied in
life carries on and on and on and on
life carries on and on and on..."



You have to pay a price to get to the strong up-and-fun groove later on.







Tonight, I was grieving not only for those lost, but for those who didn't fully arrive here.










This appears to me to be one healthy man, who feels the most human of emotions.









Makes me glad not to have cable TV.  I don't enjoy this song, but I think it hits its mark exactly, if I catch its drift correctly.









My Head Sounds Like That



"...around the axis we all spin 
to determine what's left out and what's left in
what's left out and what's left in
what's left out and what's left in
who's left out and who's left in
who's left in 

the moments come and go like water 
i try to hold them but they’re fading 
oh my head sounds like that
oh my head
oh oh oh"






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Created: Jan. 30, 2003   Last updated: March 15, 2003

© 2003 Eric Porcher - All rights reserved.